Thursday, January 10, 2013

Academy Award Nominations Thoughts and Picks

So, it's that time again, guys! Oscar nominations are upon us and once again there are a number of surprises and snubs and things that make me both giddy and disappointed. But enough of building it up. Let's just get right to it! 

Best Director: 

Michael Haneke for AMOUR
Ang Lee for LIFE OF PI
Stephen Spielberg for LINCOLN

Wow! Perhaps the most surprising of all the categories. First, the fact that neither Ben Affleck, who was considered a shoe-in for ARGO before the nominations were announced, Kathryn Bigelow for ZERO DARK THIRTY, and Quentin Tarantino for DJANGO UNCHAINED, were all snubbed. I get why Tarantino didn't get the nomination given the nature of his film, but the other two were considered virtual locks in most pre-nomination predictions. Equally surprising is the fact that 30 year-old Benh Zeitlin was nominated for the indie darling BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD. I wasn't really that hot on the film, preferring both DJANGO AND ARGO over it (and probably ZDT as well), but it's nice to see the Academy actually recognize some new talent as well as Michael Haneke for the uber-depressing and equally powerful foreign film AMOUR. 

My pick: Stephen Spielberg for LINCOLN. Even though I didn't care for the film personally, it's Oscar-bait through and through and I'll be surprised if LINCOLN doesn't sweep this year. Though I would like to see Haneke or O. Russell take it. It's just depressing that there were so many great directors that came out with such amazing movies that are going unrecognized. The category could have, in my opinion, been completely different. A Best Director category with nominees Quentin Tarantino, Kathryn Bigelow, Wes Anderson, Paul Thomas Anderson, and Ben Affleck? Now THAT'S a "can't go wrong" situation.
Best Supporting Actress:

Amy Adams for THE MASTER
Sally Field for LINCOLN
Anne Hathaway for LES MISERABLES 
Helen Hunt for THE SESSIONS

Not too many surprises here. While I have not seen THE SESSIONS, the praise I've heard for Helen Hunt seemed like it was obviously leading to a nomination. The biggest surprise has to be Jackie Weaver for her performance in SLP. While the film featured tons of strong performances, I thought Weaver felt the most out of place, like an Edith Bunker clone. Is that to say she was bad? No way. I just don't know if it was Oscar worthy.

My pick: Anne Hathway for LES MIS. I loved Amy Adams in THE MASTER. I thought she played the wife of P.S. Hoffman's Lancaster Dodd with such a quiet intensity and bubbling rage that somehow allowed her to not be swallowed up by the mammoth performances of Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix. That being said, this is Hathway's to lose. Although I felt like she spent her entire 15 minutes of screen time chewing the scenery, it was a super-emotional (she made sure that you knew how had she was) performance that will land her the gold. 
Best Supporting Actor:

Alan Arkin for ARGO
Phillip Seymour Hoffman for THE MASTER
Tommy Lee Jones for LINCOLN
Christoph Waltz for DJANGO UNCHAINED

Two things on DJANGO UNCHAINED. One, despite the title, Christoph Waltz is the main character, not supporting. He is the emotional center of the film and whenever he's not there and Jamie Foxx must take over, there is a definite lull in the entire feel of the movie. Two, NO DICAPRIO for Calvin Candie?! What is that?! He and Waltz were easily the best parts of an amazing movie. Other than that, it's nice to see Alan Arkin get a nod for his work in ARGO and this is Robert De Niro's first nomination since 1991! 

My pick: Tommy Lee Jones for LINCOLN. This is easily the hardest race to call. All of these men have won before and all of them gave fantastic performances. In my personal opinion, Phillip Seymour Hoffman should win and I want him to. I also think either he or De Niro could steal it from Jones, but I think the fact that Jones played a real, historical character (and one that was incredibly complex) will sway the odds in his favor. 
Best Actress: 

Jessica Chastain for ZERO DARK THIRY
Emmanuelle Riva for AMOUR 
Quvenzhane Wallis for BEAST OF THE SOUTHERN WILD
Naomi Watts for THE IMPOSSIBLE

This category is awesome! I really don't have any complaints except maybe no Marion Cotillard for RUST AND BONE. But back to the nominees! Seeing Wallis and Riva both on here, the youngest and oldest nominees ever, is fantastic! And they're both really great. Though I haven't seen ZERO DARK THIRTY, from what I hear the film rests greatly on the shoulders of Chastain and that she more than pulls it off. And Jennifer Lawrence? Best part of SLP easily. Note: Haven't seen THE IMPOSSIBLE but I'm sure Naomi Watts is fine.

My pick: Jessica Chastain for ZERO DARK THIRTY. This is a two woman race between Chastain and Lawrence. Though I'm basing this on seeing one movie and reading in depth about the other, it just seems that while both are amazing, for what Chastain is asked to do and for how her character commands a screen populated with such disturbing subject matter as ZDT has, I think she just edges Lawrence out for this one. But you honestly can't go wrong with this category (except maybe Watts). 
Best Actor: 

Daniel Day-Lewis for LINCOLN
Hugh Jackman for LES MISERABLES
Joaquin Phoenix for THE MASTER
Denzel Washington for FLIGHT

Not too many surprises here either. Actually the only possible snub from what I can gather is  John Hawkes for his performance in THE SESSIONS which again I haven't seen, but have heard he and Helen Hunt were magnificent. Seeing Joaquin Phoenix here is also mildly surprising after his comments calling the Academy Awards "bullshit." While I don't expect Phoenix to actually show up to the event, it would be awesome to see him make an appearance. Perhaps punch a photog or take a leak on the red carpet? Up to you, my friend.

My pick: Daniel Day-Lewis for LINCOLN. Easiest category to pick. There's a College Humor version of the LINCOLN poster which renames the movie, DANIEL DAY-LEWIS WANTS AN OSCAR. That's pretty much it. Day-Lewis again puts on the performance of the year and another all-time classic. I may have not liked the movie, but he was amazing. The only other actor who could possibly take it away from him would be Phoenix who admittedly gives Day-Lewis a run for his money, completely transforming himself into Freddie Quell, down to his gait and speech pattern. If Phoenix pulls the upset I would be surprised, but not at all unhappy. 
Best Picture:


For the first time in a long time I will actually be able to say that I've seen every film nominated for Best Picture. And as such, I feel able to voice my disdain for some of the choices. Movies like ARGO, DJANGO, ZERO DARK THIRTY, AMOUR, and perhaps LIFE OF PI are understandable. And of course I see why the others were chosen -- LINCOLN is pure old people Academy bait and SLP is the rom-com that seems to always make it but that never wins -- and I guess it's cool to see an indie film like BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD get such love, but I mean come on. No love for THE MASTER? Not P.T. Anderson's best, but still amazing. No MOONRISE KINGDOM? One of Wes Anderson's best, easily better than SLP and one of the most believable portrayals of a romance in some time. Of course, those are just my opinions man, and it's all about what the Academy likes. But with 9 spots, how hard would it have been to add a 10th?

My pick: LINCOLN. For those of you who read my review, you know that I didn't care much for the film. However, as I've stated again and again, it's exactly what the Academy loves. Going in, I gave both ZERO DARK THIRTY and ARGO good chances of taking the category, but seeing as how the Academy rarely chooses a film whose director isn't nominated for Best Director (a completely ridiculous practice), they are now highly unlikely. That leaves SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK which got tons of nominations, but which I still feel doesn't have the weight to unseat Spielberg's presidential drama, and an outside chance for AMOUR which is gaining steam as we head into full-on award season. What would I like to see happen? Well, I would personally love to see DJANGO UNCHAINED take it, but that will never happen. ARGO or AMOUR are both fantastic and I would be happy to see either of them win as well. And while I haven't yet seen ZERO DARK THIRTY, I can say that if it's anything like, or on the level of, Bigelow's last film, THE HURT LOCKER, I will be in love with it and ecstatic to see it get the win. Sadly, it's LINCOLN's year.

Final Quick Thoughts: 

I haven't been able to see all the animated films nominated, but from the list I believe either BRAVE will take it on Pixar's reputation or WRECK-IT RALPH will take it deservingly. I also hear that PARANORMAN is very good and could have an outside chance of taking the category. 

It's also stunningly confusing seeing ANNA KARENINA nominated for Best Cinematography instead of THE MASTER which is one of the most beautiful films of the year. It's just unfathomable how that decision came about. However, it is fantastic to see Roger Deakins nominated for SKYFALL, which is who I want and hope will win because it is, for my money, the most gorgeous film of the year. Plus Deakins, arguably one of the best cinematographers of all time, has never won an Oscar for his work. That's criminal.

Finally, it's great to see that one of my favorite (if not my favorite) film of the year, MOONRISE KINGDOM get nominated for Best Original Screenplay. I really hope Anderson and Roman Coppola can take this, of if not, then I'd be equally happy with Quentin Tarantino. Will Mark Boal win for ZERO DARK THIRTY? Probably. I just hope one of the more off-kilter nominees can take it. 

So, there you have it! My thoughts on the Academy Awards nominations for 2013 and my picks for the most of the major categories. The Awards are still quite far away and things could certainly change one way or another, but regardless it's going to be another fun, exciting, and incredibly infuriating awards season. And while none of it really means anything, I can't wait!